Tagged with food

Gai Choy : Jie Cai : 芥菜

Gai Choy : Jie Cai : 芥菜

What you will see is commonly known as “gai choy” in Cantonese OR “jie cai” in Mandarin. It is known as a mustard green, Brassica juncea, which is a species of the mustard plant. History: Several varieties of this plant appears in Chinese, Korean, Japanese, African, and Italian cooking. Africans primarily use the leaves while Asians use … Continue reading

Broccoli Crowns

Broccoli Crowns

History: Broccoli is from the cabbage family, evolving from a wild cabbage in Europe over 2,000 years ago.  The word is actually derived from Italian, broccolo which refers to the flowering top of a cabbage. Typically when you buy broccoli, they come with a long stalk. The more favorite part of the broccoli is the edible flower … Continue reading

Red Dandelions

Red Dandelions

The other day while shopping for groceries, I came across red dandelions. It sparked my memory as I vaguely remember my mother mentioning that her friend cooked dandelions. It was shocking to me at the time because in my world, dandelions are weeds. However, if the flower is ripe, the dandelion can be quite fun … Continue reading